Thursday, 22 November 2007

10 NEW media Keywods and my own deifintion x

Content Analysis -analyising the media text that you are studying, looking at theories, representaion and other Key Concepts.

Male Gaze - The way that women are portrayed and stereotypes, as objects representing sexuality.

Bimbo - Conotations of a female that has blond hair as being promiscuous, stupid, uneducated, helpless.

Digital Manipulation - Certain body parts are altered and manipulated to suggest suxual arousal, a technique used in Sugar Rush

Indocridate - Taking in forms of media and ideas without questioning it... Passive audiences

Pluralistic Model - Sees the society as diverse and full of choices. This related to Sugar Rush as the characters are open about the homosexuality.

Channel 4 - Independant commercial television chennel established in 1982 under the Independant Broadcasting Authority.

Culteral Effects theory - focuses on the different ways in which audiences respond to media content

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