Thursday, 18 October 2007

JeLLy's SeLf EvAlUaTiOn YuP!

Self assessment

Attainment – 2 – I look over the notes in lessons and go over anything I do not understand
Effort – 3 – I do contribute in lessons but could contribute more
Punctuality – 2 – Has improved and I make it to lessons on time
Submission and quality of homework – 2 – On most occasions I keep my blog up to date and complete the tasks as soon as I can
Ability to work independently – 1 – I find it easy to gather information via the internet independently
Quality of writing – 3 – could be better as I could spend more time on it
Organisation of Media folder – 3 – could be better
Oral contribution in class – 2 – I try to contribute whenever I’m awake
Standard of Module 5 Blog – 2 – Good as I have kept my work up to date and Posted information and Videos
Standard of Module 6 Blog – 3 – I still have to put some information up

Three Achievements -
I have managed to gather good knowledge of my independent study Sugar Rush#
I have looked through key words to gain further Knowledge of Media
Uploaded Videos and episodes about Sugar Rush on my blog so that others can see what it is about
Three Improvements
Go to the library for research
Look up Theories and Theorists that go with my production
Make an effort to go and watch the news

Task 8 - My SeLf DiReCtEd rEsEaRcH


Task 7 ... More Important Key words! x

Chick Flick - A film targeted at a female audience, which relates to my productiona s Sugar Rush is mainly targetted at female audience.

Cultivation Theory - audeience researcgh in the effests theory tradiction, Begun by George Gabner

Family Values - Tradictional conservative beliefs associated wit6h mainstream political and religious views of society.

Hyper Reality - AS heightened amd artificial sense of reality created by simulated enviroments such as theme parks and cybercultere.

Multiculterism- The recognition that the increasing culteral diversity of western societies should be acknoledged, supported, encouraged and reflected in all aspects of life, as being both inevitable and also socially and economically desirable.

Motif - a recurrent theme or element that runs through a film and is repeated in a significant way, often expressing a key message.

Sexism - Representations that discriminate on the basis of sex especially against women

Suspence - In a film and television audience , the creation of a feeling og tension and anticipation

Target Audience - the intended audience for a media production

Uses and gratification theory - an active audience, that focuses on what people do with the media, rather than what the media does to people, arguing that audiences are free to pick and choose from a wide range of media products to satisfy their own needs.

Jalna's Task 6 :D

In this scene here comes from a clip showing Sugar and Kim dancing around a pole together in a club.
They are wear glitsy costumes and look as if they are drunk,representing youth culture of raving and sexuality, whilst the pink pole contrasts this as it a girly innocent colour.
The Low Key Lighting also shows sexuality and the dark side.
Clamps -
Costumes - Revealing glitsy costumes which represnts their persona being carefree and confident with thmselves and how they look.
Lighting - Low Key, shadows lowangle which Shows that the audience are look up on them, showing superiarity. The dark lighting represents Sexuality, a darkey dide to themselves whilst the Birght pink pole contrasts to thins as it a girly innocent colour which isnt usually asssociated with sex.
Props- No props apart from the Pole and their costumes, Kim is wearing black, a mysterious elegent coulour opposing to her behaviour and what she is doing whist Sugaris wear gold and red, Sexual colours.
I chose this scene as it relates to one of the theories i am studying which is Laura Mulvey. The theory of Male daze. The characters are subjects of the male daze because of their costumes and the way they are acting however becasue Kim is a lesbian, their is an idea of her not needing men in her life and being more independant.

Sunday, 7 October 2007

Task 4 Ten key words

Audience Profile - Characteristics of Members of the audicne that the programme is targetted at eg Gender, class and age.

Cliff Hanger - An end in an episode or series whichfinishes at an unresoled point leaving viewers wanting to watch the next installment. In Sugar Rush, the last episode of series one ended in Sugar in tears on the phone to Kim begging for help.

Devient - Behaviour commited by an individual that doesnt follow the norms or values in our society, For example Sugar is seen as devient as she drinks, raves and even ends up in prison at one point. Also being a lesbian can also appear to be deviant behavious to some.

Fantasy - Constructed reality that could never exist in real life, In sugar Rush , although being homosexual does exist, however many of the scenarios the girls get themselves into do seem to be unrealistic and farfetched.

Multiculterism - The encouragement of western society becoming more diverse in all espects of culture, ethnicity, Gender and Sexuality.

New Man - A modern term used to describe a caring and sensitive man, happy to share household duties and not neccesarily a breadwinner. An example of New Man in Sugar Rush is Kims Father Nathan.

Norms - Invisible rules and values that are expected in the Society we live in, Homosexuality is stil not considered as a Norm in the western society however problems such as L Word, Will and Grace and Sugar Rush show signs of the society's views changing.

Representation - How different genders, classes, places are depicted by the media in either a positive or negative way, some times even by stereotypes.

Post - modernism - a modern theory meaning 'after the modern' showing changing attitudes in modern day society. This relates to ' Sugar Rush' as the show does not follow tradition narratives as it is based on Homosexuality, which has become accepted only recently in our society.

Prejudice - A negative and stereotypical view of a social group, eg Refugees, Homeless people, homosexuals etc.

Monday, 1 October 2007

Task 3 ... Videoss ... Linkss.... x

Part 1

Just a jist of what sugar rush is about.

TaSk 2... CoMmEnTs oN OtHeR bLoGs xxxx


* Talks about Representation
* Includes alot on Institutions
* Talks about audiences

EBI- more Video links and more detail


* Research well into wider context
* Doesnt only include others views but also her own opinions
* Alot of Images which makes the blog look interesting

EBI - Include more video links


* Relates well to my own independant study as the text also involves alot of female characters/ issues (can make comparisons as to how they are represented)
* Alot of Images to make the blog look interesting
* Nice colours

EBI - Include more detail


* shows representation of women
* Alot of research and detailed analysis
* detailed analysis on theories...

EBI - Include more images to break down all the text


* Usefull to me as it is includes as one on my related texts (Desperate housewives)
* Interesting blog to read
* Lots of Links

IBA - More analysis